Monday, September 8, 2014

Littlest Pet Shop BzzAgent Campaign!

The Bzzz around the home front has been mainly focused towards my daughter and her Littlest Pet Shop BzzAgent Campaign she has had the pleasure of testing out! I did not tell her we qualified for this so when it came she was totally surprised and near tears! Piper loves all things Littlest Pet Shop so this was a major plus for us.  
This campaign has given her hours of playtime that have added to her use of her imagination. I totally recommend this toy for anyone who has a little girl who loves using her imagination and making up stories with the characters

I received this product for free for testing purposes from BzzAgent


  1. Thanks for sharing! Great review. My 2 year old would loce this set even if it is meant for older children. She loves stuff like this. I really want to get her one.
    Stopping by from

  2. Stopping by from http://www.krystlbearscorner.blogspotcom

    We love these sets. I also received it from BzzAgent, and my bonus daughter (and my son) love to play with it.

  3. What a great campaign!! And I absolutely love your blog background!

  4. Oh WOW! I'm jealous. That's like Christmas in a box. Great review!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
